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Pain Bee Gone

Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 USD
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Our Pain Bee Gone balm is a great addition to anyone's self care portfolio. It is best used by anyone with minor aches and pains. It soothes AND moisturizes at the same time.  Aches, Pains, Bruises, Sore Muscles. 

Our Pain Bee Gone ingredients: 100% Grass finished Tallow, jojoba oil, Arnica Oil, peppermint oil, jasmine oil, blue lotus oil and calendula petals


Clean version of other aches & pain aids.

Arnica has been used for medicinal purposes since the 1500s, it is a European plant in the daisy family. Known to help muscle aches, bruises, reduce inflammation and heal wounds.

Boswallia the Indian Frankincense. Known to help with Sores and wound-healing.


Peppermint oil aids to rid headaches, muscle aches, joint pain and itching. Also to potentially treat coughs and colds, reduce pain, improve mental function and reduce stress. 


Get to know all of the benefits of our ingredients here!

**Please Note**
This is a completely natural & handcrafted product. There
can be variations of consistency and texture between each
batch of tallow. However, this does not alter the quality or
amazing properties within the tallow.
Products from Tallow and Honey are not FDA approved
and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent
I always recommend to perform a test patch to check
for sensitivity. If sensitivity occurs, discontinue use

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Rebecca Whisten

My son was stung by a wasp on his foot the other day, and his foot began to swell immediately. I quickly applied Pain Bee Gone to the sting area, and within an hour the swelling and redness was gone, and my son said it no longer hurt! It was amazing!


This is an amazing product. From bugs bits, soar, dry feet and the occasional durn from getting to close to the oven rack! Heals quickly with minimal scaring.

Jill Smelser
Awesome Pain Relief

I love your products and the Pain Bee Gone is so far my favorite. I have arthritis in my knee's and my doctor prescribed Voltarin.. Reading through the instructions and the side effects made my stomach queasy. Awful side effects and I thought " this is not good". I had Pain Bee Gone and thought I would give it a try on my knees. It is amazing. The pain disappears almost immediately and the effects lasts for hours and there are NO side effects, as it is all natural. I have recommended this and other products to friends and family. Thank you for such an awesome product!

Audrea Heitzman
Great Product

I have used it for my soar feet after a long day. I would rub in under my feet then put on socks just before bed! Also it is very moisturizing!


In the last year, I’ve been recovering from back to back knee injuries, both right and left knees, and a brachial plexus (shoulder nerve damage) injuries.
Needless to say, I’ve been suffering from some major chronic pain in my day to day life. I’m not one to take pain medication but I am on board with physical therapy and natural pain relief.
This product truly has made an enormous difference in my quality of life regarding pain management. I apply it to my injured areas every morning, before I start my day, and every evening just before bed. Let me tell you, it helps keep the pain away and allows me to actually rest instead of being awoken middle of the night in pain. It also helps me feel normal in my day to day activities instead of feeling debilitated by aches, stiffness, joints locking up, or nerve pain rattling up and down my arm.
It’s no cure-all for chronic pain and ailments, however, it has fully supported my recovery, physical therapy exercises, and ability to manage daily life despite compounded injuries. Takes far more than the edge off!!! Blessing via tallow!

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